Thursday, November 15, 2018

House Cleaning Newton

"Prices Are Reasonable And Worth Every Penny."

"I look on craigslist and find Marli's listing. I shoot her an email and she's back to me later that night asking me some questions and looking to come out to give me a quote. She came out later that week for a quote and we had the initial cleaning scheduled.

Yesterday her team arrives, they don't waste a second and get to work. I was only there shortly before leaving for work, but in that amount of time I realized their cleaning was in a totally different league than anything I would ever do. They were moving furniture to make sure they got every area spotless. When my husband left for work they were scrubbingthe baseboards. All I could think was why did I wait so long to have this done?!"

Carrie M.
Arlington, MA

House Cleaning Newton

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