Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Using Feng Shui When Cleaning Your Home - Part I

When you need to do some serious house cleaning, you may find that it is hard to move forward without a plan, and this is where Feng Shui can come in.
Feng Shui is the practice of arranging your home so that a positive flow of energy is encouraged.
If you are interested in both thorough house cleaning and in maximizing the flow of positive energy through your home, take some time and make sure you incorporate some important tips from this energy positive philosophy into the cleaning of your home.

The Secret When using Feng Shui To Clean Your Home Is Deciding What To Get Rid Of
When you want to put some positive energy flow into your house cleaning, start by taking all the clutter out.
If you have trashy lying around or clothes that need to go to a charity, now is the time to get rid of them. This is essential when you want to make sure that your home has an opening and welcoming look, so take some time and make sure that you consider what you need to get rid of.
This is something that many people neglect to do, and at the end of the day, you will discover that it can keep your home looking much tidier than it did before.

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